We practice fear free techniques at our clinics to provide a less stressful visit for your pet.
We will be closed on December 20th, December 24th & 25th
Incase of emergency please call the Red River Animal Emergency Hospital - 701-478-9299
We will be closed on December 20th, December 24th & 25th
Incase of emergency please call the Red River Animal Emergency Hospital - 701-478-9299
Traveling with your Pet?
The page linked below has some great tips and tricks! Be sure to check with your veterinarian and the airline to make sure your pet has everything they need before flying! www.flywithmypet.com/ |
Social Media : Facebook : Crookston Pet Clinic Instagram : @crookstonpetclinic Gmail: [email protected] |
Have Unwanted Meds? Please discard medications safely, some can negatively effect the microbes in the environment! Do not throw the medications in the trash or flush down the toilet- click the link below to see a location near you to safely discard any unwanted medications! mpca.maps.arcgis.com/apps/webappviewer/index.html?id=f6e2ca44e7594dd29ff015a97aaee259 |